Tuesday 13 April 2010

Separating a fool from their money

It's never been easier. The UK Gov (including the HMRC) have made it's online systems and telephone services so complex to get advice that many individuals are turning to the web for advice and support. What astounds me however is the information that people are adding as comments to blogs.

On this blog, the following information was given out by one individual:
  • name
  • address
  • age
  • national insurance number
  • some tax code history
Another, offered their change of address - as a comment? There are at least 5 national insurance numbers & names. Did they really think that the dailydigit blog was the HMRC? Has none of the advice given out about web surfing and verifying the site identity got through to people - and more importantly, why are blogs like this moderating comments like this to appear?

It's also here; where a retired police officer volunteers even more information after being asked (well enough for an identity fraud)

For more information - google popular queries - "my NI number is", "my tax ref no is", "my passport number is"